

From silage block cutters to feed mixers to full automatic feed systems for your cattle!

1950 Trioliet was founded by a trio of brothers, 1958 was the takeover of Mullos in Losser (manufacturer of hay conveyors) the company was renamed Trioliet Mullos. 1973 was the development of silos and introduction of the first scope-type silage cutters. 1978 was the year the saw-type block cutters were introduced. 10 years later in 1983 was the year for the revolutionary U-type block cutter. Next the multifunctional silage processing machines (self loading feeder distributors & feeder distributor). The big move from Losser to Oldenzaal and if you thought that was all next came the self propelled mixer wagon triotrac in 2005, why stop there? what else could be left to feed cows?  in 2006 the automatic feeding system triomatic came to the production line. Trioliet is an forever growing company, always looking at what to do next.

Setting the record of the worlds largest 3 augur mixer wagon, 52m3!! as well as having another option on a self loading feeder wagon with a built in straw blower, they have literally thought of it all.

a well known company with years of history and experience behind them. Dairy farmers are generally very concerned about balanced rations, as without the right nutritional elements, cows develop health issues and their performance goes down. That means higher costs and lower returns. Therefore, it’s vital that the cows consume all feed components in the correct proportions. This is only possible if the feed is mixed well. Otherwise the cows will only eat the tastiest parts, ignoring the most important components. So, good mixing quality is extremely important for all (dairy) cattle farmers.

call into your local today and get your demo booked in! no harm in trying!